









Tunika ELLY

Größen Informationen ♡

Größe: Onesize, passt von 54/60
Brustweite (von Achsel zu Achsel gemessen) ca. 88 cm
Gesamtlänge ca. 92 cm
Arm Länge ca.  34 cm

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Farben im Original aufgrund unterschiedlicher Smartphone- und Softwareeinstellungen leicht abweichen können, wodurch es zu minimalen Farbabweichungen kommt

Bitte beachte, dass alle Abmessungen eine Toleranz von +/-5cm haben können.

Material: 95% Viskose, 5% Elastan


Auch die hochwertigsten Materialien haben bei falscher Handhabung keine unbegrenzte Lebensdauer. Damit du ganz lange Freude an deinen Lieblingsstücken hast, empfehlen wir dir Folgendes
Bei maximal 30 °C mit Fein/Colorwaschmittel waschen und nicht in den Wäschetrockner geben. Vorzugsweise legst du immer ein Farbfangtuch mit in die Trommel. Kleidungsstücke mit z. B. Strasssteinen, Spitze o.ä. empfehlen wir immer in einem Wäschenetz zu waschen.
Kleidungsstücke mit buntem Motiv drucken oder in Batik /Neonfarben, die mit speziellen Färbetechniken gefärbt wurden, empfehlen wir kalte Handwäsche, das Verwenden eines Farbfangtuches ist immer im Vorteil.

Pay via PayPal

PayPal is the online payment service, with which you can pay for us, easy and fast - and free.

Safe: Your bank or credit card data is only deposited with PayPal, so you will not be sent over the Internet for every online purchase.

Simple: You pay with only two clicks, because you take back to your PayPal bank or credit card details instead of entering them on every purchase.

Fast: PayPal payments quickly arrive. Thus, we can pass on the order immediately to our shipping partners & thus the goods will be sent faster and you will usually receive your package earlier.

If you have no PayPal account yet, you will automatically be forwarded to the PayPal page and can create an account there quickly and free. And you can pay with PayPal.




Pay via Klarna immediately

Klarna immediately
Klarna immediately

For the Sofortüberweisung you do not have to register with Klarna: you pay quickly and easily with your well-known online banking data. Thanks to real-time confirmation of the transfer order, we can send you the goods immediately. This payment method is only available to customers from Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Norway.



Pay via online bank transfer

Immediate transfer (instant banking) is a real-time bank transfer method, which can use customers who are based in Germany to transfer money directly from their bank account to us.


If you use the method immediately banking, you will be redirected to the website of the immediately banking. On this page you can first enter your postal code / bank code. Then you log in to your bank account with your username and password. You will be asked for a transaction authentication number (TAN). Then enter the TAN code to confirm your payment. Payment is approved in real time.


Pay by prepayment bank transfer

You will automatically receive an e-mail with the total amount of your order and the order number if you order. We ship the goods after receipt of money on our account within 3 days. In order to be able to assign your order smoothly, please enter the order number (Q ......) as the intended use in the transfer.

Our bank connection:

Account holder: Danis Queenssize GmbH
Bankinstitut: Sparkasse Offenbach am Main
IBAN: DE 6250 5500200000 201960